To date, we have purchased carbon units from four projects on behalf of our subscribers.

The first project is the Loch Ness Forest Project. It is a permanent, native broadleaf forest that has been planted on the southern side of Loch Ness. The project entails the planting of 100,000 trees and it sequesters more than 20,000 tCO2e. This project is validated by the Woodland Carbon Code and registered by S&P Global.
The second project is the Abergavenny Sequoia Project. This entails planting 1540 Giant redwood trees, 6000 native broadleaves and nursery conifer trees. Giant redwoods are a Red Listed specie by the IUCN. They are losing as much as 10% of their number annually in their native habitat. By assisted migration, we are forming a second population in the UK. Each Redwood can live up to 3500 years. This project is validated by the Sequoia Carbon Code and registered by Treeconomy.
Our third project is La Primavera Forest in Eastern Colombia. The project achieves additionality by two means. Firstly, via the planting of Pinus caribaea and Eucalyptus pellita. Secondly, via the natural regeneration of native jungle. The project will create a barrier to illegal deforestation happening at scale that converts forest to grassland for cattle farming. This project is recorded on the BioCarbon Registry.
Our fourth project is the Enercon WIndfarm in Rajasthan, India. This project is validated by the United Nations Clean Development Mechanism and registered by the Universal Carbon Registry.